Monday 25 July 2016

New Construction Starts in June Drop 7 Percent

New construction starts in June decreased 7% from the previous month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $595.1 billion, according to Dodge Data and Analytics.

Excellent Advice And Tips About Facebook Marketing

Facebook is a site that tons of people use on a daily basis. This means that it's a good place to get a marketing message across. If this is something you'd like to do to help you get the word out about something then you're in the right place. Keep reading and you'll learn everything that goes into Facebook marketing.

Use all of the options available to you on Facebook when using it to market your business. There are so many different ways that you can customize your page, the key is knowing exactly what those options are. Including Facebook, that can give you some insight, if you need help there are many websites.

If you do not feel like it is necessary, watch your grammar, even. You may feel like you can get away with a mistake here and there due to the nature of your business, but this is not true. Run everything through a checker before you post it if you know that your grammar has issues.

Your Facebook page needs to contain information that your audience is not able to get anywhere else. It will not give them the incentive to return if they feel like they are reading old content. Make sure that you offer exclusive content that is only available for people that have subscribed to your page.

When you want more people to Like your page, offer them something they can't get unless they click that Like button. One easy way to do this is by running a contest which only those who Like your page can enter. You could also offer a free ebook in return for a Like.

You should get someone else to do it if you do not have time in the day to maintain a Facebook page. People will notice if your messages become to brief and start to lack substance. It is perfectly acceptable to have someone else run the page while you work on other aspects of the business.

When you post something, one of your intentions should be to elicit responses from your community. Therefore, think about each post and figure out how to phrase things so that people will want to comment on what you have to say. Explicitly asking for opinions is one of the best ways to do this.

Put together a Facebook contest. People love fun things like contests and quizzes on Facebook. It's one of the things that makes the social media site so very special. It's not that hard for your company or brand to put together a contest, and it can really open up the engagement level of your community.

This article should have given you the best way to market using Facebook. Sign into Facebook now and begin using these tips you read. The sooner you begin using Facebook, the faster you will get your customers' attention. So, get started right now! OctoSuiteReview


Tuesday 12 July 2016

Dodge Momentum Index Jumps in June

NEW YORK July 8, 2016, The Dodge Momentum Index rose a sharp 11.2% in June to 134.4 from its revised May reading of 120.8 (2000=100).